Home & Commercial Dryer Vent Cleaning

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Did you know...

Built up lint in your dryer vent can not only compromise the performance of your dryer, but can become a fire hazard. This is because the heat from the dryer could cause the lint to combust.

“My dryer is taking forever to dry my clothes — why?”

Over time, dryer vents accumulate lint during the drying process. The build-up of lint can result in longer dry times, dryer malfunction, and fire danger.

Save energy and gain peace of mind with regular dryer vent cleanings by Sooner Cleaning + Restoration.

How does lint accumulate in dryer vents?

Many laundry rooms are located in the center of homes, therefore the dryer must vent into the attic or out the roof. Often times, dryer venting bends in several areas to reach the roof. This type of configuration makes it easy for lint to build up in the venting.